Everything you need to know about Door Prizes

  • We have two kinds of door prizes – regular and GRAND.
  • Everyone who pre-registered is automatically entered to win door prizes all day long, plus the Grand Door Prizes too!
  • If you didn’t pre-register, no problem. Just enter your name in a Door Prize Kiosk once you get to the show. Make sure you leave all those other companies checked. These get you entered for the Grand Door prizes!
  • Regular door prize winners are drawn all day long. Listen for your name or number. These prizes are usually worth $20 and are from exhibitors, and other companies who like to share their products with you.
  • Grand Door Prizes are drawn at 3:00PM only. These are the BIG prizes – each one is worth at least $100.
  • If you don’t hear your name, no worries! Stop by the Door Prize booth and see if your name is on the list. You can check any time, but make sure to check before you leave. Prizes need to be claimed by 6:00pm on Friday or 5:00pm on Saturday. Gift Certificates need to be claimed 1 hour before the show floor closes. Last Door Prizes will be drawn at 4:30pm on Friday & 3:30pm on Saturday.

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