One great way to get a behind the scenes look at the latest and greatest is to assist an exhibitor in their booth – Before, During or After the Show.
Eva Peralta
(707) 564-6049
Hello, I'm seeking someone to help me with the make-and-take table exhibit. Please reach me via cell phone on 7075646049.
Tonya Weakley
Help Needed in Irving TX. We need a couple of people who are comfortable teaching "mini classes" from a table in our booth. These are our make takes, but generally include technique, take a bit longer and require a bit more from the instructor than a typical make take. Must be comfortable sharing technique with strangers (customers). Former or current school teachers, with or without experience in the techniques, make perfect helpers. Your people skills are more important than your crafting skill level. Volunteers are gifted either a cash stipend or product for their time. Peddlers Den