What Life Is All About

I found this wonderful layout on the My Minds Eye Blog.  This was created by Kerryn Lawson.  This photo captured the perfect moment of her children, but also captured the perfect feel by using just the right paper from the My Minds Eye Unforgettable Collection and embellishments.

What Life Is All About

The earthy tones and subtle patterns in this paper collection worked perfectly for this layout along with the subtle pops of color that the yellow and pink in the Unforgettable Collection added without overwhelming the overall feel of the page.  Everything about this page is beautiful.  The bouquet on the photo, the title work, and the layering.  Very creative!  Thank you Kerryn for sharing this with us.  For more of her great designs go to Asterixlawson.  You will be very inspired with more of her creations.

Creativity involves in breaking out of your traditional style.  Take a look at your project in a different way and never hesitate to try something new.

Have a wonderful creative day!



Lime Tart March Kit


My Minds Eye Moment, Unforgettable Collection Paper     My Minds Eye New, Unforgettable Collection Paper   My Minds Eye Delight, Unforgettable Collection Paper


Ranger Frayed Burlap Tim Holtz Ink


My Minds Eye Unforgettable Stickers

Product Used (Not Shown):

  • Gold Metal Flowers
  • Pearls
  • Twine