Clear Stamp Storage

Are your stamps starting to take up more than their fair share of your crafting space? Today we have one of our Tipsters, Phyllis Damon from the Tip of the Day Showcase in Ontario CA sharing a great solution to not only organize but also to condense them into a nice little home.

What a great way to organize our stamps and have them look great at the same time!

Thanks for the visit and we hope you have a very creative day.

3 thoughts on “Clear Stamp Storage

  1. Sherry Raymond says:

    do you use the regular CD cases or are they something different. I have put mine in the CD cases and there is the space on the end for dirt and stuff to get into them. I want them closed up, but you have to leave the insert in them to get them sealed up.

    • Brandi Matos says:

      I used to do this with all of my clear stamps until I read that it takes the “cling” out of them (which I found was TRUE over time!!!!). Some of them barely “cling” at all now…. I now use baseball pocket storage sheets and leave them on the original “acetate”. They slide right in and you have easy access and view to them 🙂 Just my thought for the day!!!

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