Stitched Ribbon Fabric Tag

Hey, everyone! Roree here with another Make It! Monday project. Today I am going to show you how to create a fun and colorful fabric tag.

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I have tons and tons of ribbon stashed around my craft room. So much so, I am embarrassed to tell you just how much. (It is one of the embellishments I tend to hoard.)  So I am always looking for ways to use it in my projects and thought it would be perfect for a tag.

To start, I gathered several lengths of ribbon that I thought would work well together, along with some lightweight canvas fabric.

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I cut out two tag shapes from the canvas fabric.

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I then began stitching the ribbon to one of the canvas tags using my sewing machine and some green and orange thread.

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There were a couple of lengths of ribbon that I didn’t want to sew through, so I added them afterward with some double-sided adhesive.

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Because I didn’t want all of the different stitching to show on the back side of the tag, I added the second fabric tag to the back of the first and stitched around the outside edges to secure the tags together.

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I then trimmed the excess from the edges of the tag with some pinking shears.

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I punched a hole at the top of the tag and added an eyelet to reinforce the hole.

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I added a wood veneer letter to the tag with double-sided adhesive and stitched a button over the top to hold it in place.

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And that’s it! Now it is ready to be added to the front of a box or bag for a special gift.

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I hope you enjoyed today’s Make It! Monday project. Thanks so much for stopping by!

2 thoughts on “Stitched Ribbon Fabric Tag

    • Roree Rumph says:

      Thanks, Jinny! You are like me… tons and tons of ribbon in your stash. It is always fun to find new ways to use it up!

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