Designer Spotlight with Paige Evans: Jen Schow


Happy Wednesday and welcome to another spotlight post! This time I’m shining the light on the super talented and crafty Jen Schow!


Name: Jen Schow
Location: Pleasant Grove, UT
Instagram: @craftyjenschow
YouTube: jenschow4
Pinterest: @craftyjenschow
Facebook: craftyjenschow
Shop: Crafty Jen Schow

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started crafting: I started scrapbooking when I was 12 after I saw the scrapbooks of my best friend’s mom and haven’t looked back. At first it was all about the pretty paper and embellishments (if I’m honest, it’s still a LOT about that), but now it’s more about telling my story and realizing what is important to me. I love every part of the process and have improved my photography and design skills over the years. It has truly made me a better person because it causes me to reflect all of the good in my life and it is a part of what makes me who I am. And I love that.

Favorite thing to create: Traditional scrapbook layouts are my very favorite, but I have been taking more of an interest in pocket scrapbooking and I do create the occasional mini album.

What do you love about this hobby? In addition to helping me reflect on the positive things in life, I really love the community and the friends I’ve made. I don’t have very many friends who live near me that love scrapbooking like I do, but thank goodness for the internet! I have made so many friends online who share the same passion I do for this wonderful hobby. I’m so grateful for that!

5 fun facts about yourself:
1. I love puzzles. LOVE them.
2. I have a 10 year old daughter and she loves to scrapbook. She’s really good, too!
3. I love hand-lettering and brush script. Actually, I’ve always been a fan of bettering my penmanship and used to copy out of the dictionary or encyclopedia when I was young to get better cursive. 🙂
4. I love reading, but never have the time for it. Audio books are my friend.
5. My favorite color is aqua. I wear it, I decorate with it, I scrapbook with it. It is another neutral as far as I’m concerned, because it goes with everything.

Here is the amazing layout Jen created for her spotlight:


PLAY DAY by Jen Schow

My nephews adore my daughter, Malia. This day I happened to snap a photo of each of them in her arms. I used bright fun colors because it was one of the first days after winter that it was nice enough to play outside. I handstitched some lines inside the flowers on some patterned paper and then fussy-cut them out to include on my layout. I love little handmade touches like that!

Here are four more of Jen’s favorite projects:


PEEK-A-BOO by Jen Schow

Sometimes it’s fun to play with paint, but generally I like to keep it contained. Here, I did a little bit of mixed media and then laid a cut file over the top of it so it just peeks through the spaces. I also love when my design emphasizes the theme and it definitely does with these photos of my sister and nephew playing peek-a-boo!


TOGETHER by Jen Schow

This layout was part of a series on my YouTube channel called “Inspiration is Everywhere” and was inspired by the fashions of Spring 2016. Again, I turned to Pinterest in my search for inspiration and found large florals paired with soft colors, cut outs, stripes, and pops of green. All of those things made it onto this layout with a silly photo of my and my sis. 


HORSE GIRL by Jen Schow

This layout was inspired by a fashion moodboard I found on Pinterest where all of the images were taped to the background. I love using a white background and that plain colored washi tape is one of my faves.



Sometimes the layout is all about the story, so I choose to keep it clean and simple and stuck to minimal embellishments. I handstitched a little heartbeat above my journaling, which is all about heart. 

Thanks so much for stopping by today and getting to know Jen!

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