Designer Spotlight with Paige Evans: Beshka Kueser


This week I’m excited to introduce you to talented pocket scrapper, Beshka Kueser!


Name: Beshka Kueser
Hesse, Germany
Instagram: @bckueser
Pinterest: @bckueser

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started crafting: Hello there, I am Beshka – wife, mom, and maker of things. I currently live in Europe with my little fam and when we are not traveling or going to soccer practice, I am in my studio creating things! I have been making things ever since I can remember and I don’t see the desire to do so wavering any time soon. I spend most of my creative time creating pocket pages but also enjoy creating mini albums, playing with watercolors, and monoprinting.

What do you love about this hobby? The people – I love interacting with other like minded individuals who love making things as much as I do. The creative community is so very supportive and inspirational – I love that.

5 fun facts about yourself:
1. I am a pen + pencil addict. I have 3 large pouches, 2 pencil cups, and a pot (which should hold a plant but doesn’t) full. And I may or may not have (if the hubs is reading this) just ordered a few more over the weekend.
2. I have been using planners since the 9th grade (when I got my first one). My BFF used to make fun of me – more because I created legends for my planner than the planner itself. Today we laugh at how popular they have become – she now concedes that I knew what I was doing and that I was just ahead of my time.
3. I could eat Tex-Mex every single day and it may be the only reason I move back to the states. Eventually. 😀
4. I dream of owning a flower farm where I grow peonies or anemones. I have a black thumb and know very little about these flowers except that they are pretty – but I can dream.
5. And I don’t know if this is fun really, but I love everything that the tomato can be – salsa, ketchup, tomato sauce, marinara, etc – but I cannot stand tomatoes as themselves. Ick.

Here is the spread Beshka made for her spotlight:


Some weeks are not super exciting but they always have something worth documenting, even if that something is only something to you. Does that make sense? This wasn’t our most exciting week, although we were pretty stoked to get a Starbucks on base and I finally cleaned my office – two very noteworthy things if you ask me!


In Europe during January the days are often grey so I really love creating spreads with lots of color – helps brighten up my day.


Don’t let these cute kitties fool you, they are trouble! Of course we still adore them and so I created this little insert for my album, using a digital kit from One Little Bird, that documents their cuteness and reminds me that they are not always trouble.


The ‘I like pretty things’ statement is true! I also like to create pretty and colorful pages – I really enjoyed mixing colorful patterns on this spread.


This page makes me so happy because we went on an outing and for whatever reason my teen was not only totally willing to let me photograph her but she smiled anyway. It was a moment indeed!

Thank you for sharing your talent with us, Beshka!