Social Media and the EXPO

Hello and Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It was the Canadian Thanksgiving, so it was a nice three day long weekend for me. I love what I do, but it is also nice to sit back, kick my feet up, and relax with my family and three dogs.

Working in social media, I have the fun job of seeing many of the pictures and videos you share from your time spent at the EXPO. So many of you post wonderful photos that perfectly express how much fun can be had at the EXPO! Whether shopping with your friends, completing a project at the Creativity Center with the lovely Lorraine, completing make & takes in exhibitor booths, or having a party at the crops, I am at the other side of the keyboard smiling at the photos you share.

Since my last blog post, the Denver and Akron shows have taken place. Here are a few of the photos that were shared in the EXPO Facebook groups:

Denver – Safari Theme Crop

Denver – Slumber Party Crop – Fun Slippers

Denver – Crop Crew

Denver Friday Card Swap – Most Appreciated Card by Katy Thomas

Denver – Door Prize Winner – Tammy Lester

Denver – Lorraine, Host of the Creativity Center

Akron – Wizard of Oz Crop

Akron – Wizard of Oz crop

Akron – Shopping at It’s Cheaper Than Therapy

Thank you to every one of you who shares your photos so that I can live vicariously through you and join in the fun that you have while attending the EXPOs.

My next blog post will be in November after the show season has finished. I look forward to sharing more customer experiences with you at that time. Until then, happy scrapping and I will see/chat with you in the Facebook Groups!

~ Jen

1 thoughts on “Social Media and the EXPO

  1. Nancy L Miller says:

    This brings up a somewhat new issue at Expo crops–the need for both electricity and internet access at reasonable rates. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Expo crops and have participated in many of them thru the years, but now that my Cricut has stepped up beyond my first, second, or even third incarnation of the latest machine, I require both electricity and internet in order to crop how I prefer to. Somehow the convention centers must respond in an affordable way so your Expo can still be profitable! Is this just a dream, or may it be possible in the near future?

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