~ Tuesday, September 15th ~ Stamping Techniques!
Grab your inks, blending brushes and stencils. Jillene Moen with Close to My Heart and Michelle Currie from Pink & Main will share a variety of different stamping techniques along with cards using stencils as backgrounds. What a great opportunity to brush up on those skills and shop for some fun new accessories. Join us…it’s Free!
The event begins at 4pm PDT
Click HERE to learn more. Click HERE for the schedule. Click HERE during the presentations to enter to win a prize.
This event includes presentations from:
Jillene Moen – Close To My Heart: 12 Stamping Techniques to Learn/Remember to Play With! Two BRAND NEW Close To My Heart Catalogs & Artwork!
Pink & Main: Card making with stencil backgrounds and stamps! Join Michelle from Pink and Main as she create 4 cards using stencils as backgrounds. She also uses fun stamps and blender brushes, all from Pink & Main!

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