Stamp and Scrapbook Expo Friends

Keep It Simple Crafty Girls Jennie McGarvey

Hello there!  Jennie McGarvey back with you again today to talk about those relationships and friendships that are made and strengthened at the Stamp and Scrapbook Expo!

Yes, that is right!  Lots of you have friends that you attend the Expo with each year or friends that you met at your Play Date.  Either way, those relationships deserve to be documented and thankfully, Keep It Simple has the Crafty Girls collection that you can use to preserve those memories beautifully. I’m like you and have friendships and memories thanks to the Stamp and Scrapbook Expo! Because of that, I made a page that celebrates one special moment!

Keep It Simple Crafty Girls Jennie McGarvey

*SIGH* I love these patterns, colors – all of it!  I cannot get over how they perfectly represent what’s going on in the photo.  Layering those papers and embellishments together was so much fun.  For example – the pink patterned paper is lovely and on it’s own would be great!  But paired with that crop weekend paper it really creates something fantastic.  They work together so well.  Not to mention how they go perfectly with my photo which was taken at the 2019 Stamp & Scrapbook Expo in Duluth, GA.

Keep IT Simple Crafty Girls Jennie McGarvey 2

I love to combine embellishments, and ephemera looks great with enamel shapes and self adhesive buttons.  They offer lots of great shapes, textures and depth.  Did you know that ephemera is included in the Crafty Girl Collection Pack?  Yes!  They are included inside the package and I think that is perfect, since I positively love ephemera.

Keep It Simple Crafty Girls Jennie McGarvey 3

See how those embellishments are perfect to tell the story?  Especially when you want to tell the story of your time spent at Stamp & Scrapbook Expo like I did here.

Now, you might be saying – I have so many photos from my weekend!  I do, too.  And that is why this will just be the first page of a two page layout of this weekend.  I haven’t decided if I will do a second, traditional page or if I will use a divided page protector full of photos showing all the fun we had that weekend. I love both options as a away to document every last bit but also create a single photo layout [which allows me to be a little more creative].

Whichever way YOU choose to document your weekend at the Stamp & Scrapbook Expo, make sure to pick up the Crafty Girls collection from Keep It Simple to tell your story beautifully!

37 thoughts on “Stamp and Scrapbook Expo Friends

  1. Deb Watkins says:


    All of my favorite colors in one package. Great to scrapbook EXPO 2020

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this awesome prize

  2. Alicia Peña-Swart says:

    Love the colors. There are 6 of us in our croppy bunch … lots of laughter when we get together.

  3. Konni A says:

    Met a couple of ladies at Expo 3 years ago and we have been friends since! They are my scrap and stamp sisters!

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