Be sure to capture the little moments in life…

The other day I was enjoying some time perusing blogs when I ran across this “Dear God” post and it hit me:  just how important those small little details about our lives are.  My son is 18 now and there is nothing I enjoy more then thinking back at the days when he was so sweet and innocent and discovering the world for the first time each and every day.  I got to enjoy life through fresh eyes and some of the things he would say became the ingredients in life’s recipes that made the whole thing taste so sweet.  For me, this was one of the things that really attracted me to scrapbooking; having the opportunity to capture those priceless, fleeting moments forever.  The “Dear God” layout felt like it captured one of those moments so beautifully, giving the chance to remember forever the words of our little ones.  So my message to all of you today is don’t just focus on the big events in life, stop occasionally and make sure you are capturing everyday life also.  Scrapbook the ingredients of your day that make you smile as you close your eyes at night and feel thankful for the blessings that fill your life.




Original blog post from:  Blessed Scrapper by Jill Cornell


Emma’s Paperie: Dear God

At Emma’s Paperie, the designers recently featured My Mind’s Eye and my layout today is what I created for the spotlight.

Prayer is a very important part of my family’s day-to-day life. In the last 6 months, the girls have taken over the prayer that we have saying for them every day since they were very little. I just love hearing it from their little voices. We always pray at bedtime and then Nora is amazing at reminding us all to pray when we sit down to eat. The photo was taken the first night the girls slept in their big girl beds. We had our story and devotion in between the beds that night.

I printed the prayer directly on vellum and then backed it with patterned paper. The girls added the part about accidents to the prayer when they started potty training earlier this year. And no owie is too small – we pray for each one! 😉


The prayers of 2-year-olds – so sweet and simple! I love that this is captured forever. For a complete supply list, visit the Emma’s Paperie blog here.

This morning, we’re off to our last session of Tiny Tumblers for a while. It’s time for a little break. Much to do in the coming weeks – a big birthday party and we’re planning a garage sale too!

Have a wonderful day! 🙂