Pictures of U

When is a mini album not a mini album?  When you take it apart and make something else!  That is exactly what designer Angella Peardon did for this gorgeous project for the Maya Road Design Team blog.

Pictures of U Maya Road

Just because it comes as a mini album dosn’t mean you have to create a mini album.

Angella completed this page in just a few easy steps:

1.  Cover your pages with patterned paper

2. Glue them to a backing board

3. Trim away any excess backing board

4. Decorate and pop into a stand for display

Pictures of You Maya Road 2

Pictures of You Maya Road 3

Not only is this easy and different, it is great for a display or gift giving!

I hope this has inspired you to make something new.  Have a wonderfully creative day!


Square Mini Tab Album Maya Road     T2352 - Say Cheese Camera Transparencies - White Maya Road