Easy Tip for Resealable Bags

I found this really cool tip for reusing those resealable bags without sticking everything to them at Skipping Stones Design.  This tip shows their stamps, but I’m sure this will work for any resealable bag.


Check it out, courtesy of Wendy Price:

I’m sure I’m not alone in struggling to get stamps back into their packaging. Without fail, the stamps end up sticking to the adhesive strip and then the corners of the paper backing gets crumpled. Well today, I’m sharing a tip that I learned a few years back. All you need is a ruler and your stamp set.
Take your ruler and lay it down on the sticky adhesive strip. With the ruler covering the adhesive, you’ll be able to slide your stamp sheet back into the plastic packaging with ease.
Once you have your stamps back in the packaging, pull the ruler off the adhesive strip and reseal your bag.
Because the ruler is over 12 inches long, it works perfectly for sliding pattern paper back into its packaging also!