Hello Friend

I discovered this adorable card on Cherry’s Jubilee Blog.  I love the vintage look so I just had to share this darling vintage card with you.  I highly recommend visiting Cherry Nelson’s blog  at Cherry’s Jubilee.  You will find so many fun and inspiring ideas.

Hello Friend

I just love all the details of this card from the postage stamping to using doily’s and flowers. Cherry used a burlap flower adding a silk flower in the center to give it more of an elegant look. What a cute idea to add a plain white envelope with a punched border edge to the card.  Never be afraid to mix and match with whatever supplies you have in your own stash.  Thank you Cherry for sharing this wonderful card with us to enjoy.

Creativity involves in breaking out of your traditional style.  Take a look at your project in a different way, and never hesitate to try something new.



Postmark Stamp Set Papertrey Ink     STampabilities Polks Dot Stamp     Dear Lizzy Hello Friend


Pink Paislee Burlap Flowers

From You Own Stash:

  • Doilies
  • Envelope
  • Stamp Pad Grey
  • Floral Pin
  • Ribbon
  • Border Punch
  • Cardstock

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