Oh How I Love You Scrapbook Layout


I would like to thank Karola Witczak for her wonderful talent that she has shared with us.  She has many amazing creations.  Be sure and see her beautiful designs on The Color Room website.
This definitely is one of those scrapbook pages that immediately captures your eye.  The color scheme of this layout is beautiful, and this just warms your heart to look at.  There are so many wonderful details.

Don’t you just love the way that the embellishments surround the beautiful picture of this young lady?  The picture stands out and tells the story.

The envelopes and all the sentiments tell us how special this beautiful girl is.

Adding a few flowers and butterflies certainly adds to the elegance of this layout.

I was so inspired by this page layout.  This is definitely one that I would love to try and create.  How about you?


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