Your Safety Matters To Us!


We are thrilled to be hosting 2021 Stamp and Scrapbook Expos!  As we prepare for our first two shows in Duluth, GA and Schaumburg,IL,  we would like to draw your attention to some gentle reminders & new features that you can expect when participating at our event.


Be Kind, Be Well & Craft Safe!

  • Mask Up! We encourage It!
  • Respect your fellow crafter’s space.
  • Keep hands away from your face.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Sanitize when you can.
  • Fever, chills, cough or recently been exposed? Stay home, rest up & get better! We will see you next year.


New Features With You In Mind!

• Skip “Will Call” and have your tickets shipped directly to your home!
• Try our new touchless door prize entry from your smartphone.
• One-way shopping aisles.
• More room to shop with wider aisles!
• Wider aisles at the PlayDate & MMTE.
• Extra cleaning for high-touch surfaces throughout our event!

1 thoughts on “Your Safety Matters To Us!

  1. Kristina Benoit says:

    Big question here is the show ever coming back to Marlborough Mass?? It still reads TBD for 2021.. And is not even on the list for 2022.. Just wanting to know… Sick of waiting to plan a trip or not… please respond one way or another thank you!!!

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