Gift Box For Mom (Enchanted Box)

 Absolutely gorgeous is all I can say about this stunning gift box created by Gabrielle Pollacco of the Such a Pretty Mess blog. Thank you Gabrielle for sharing your talent with us!

Gabriell Pollaco's Gift Box Project

Gabrielle has been working on her oldest DD’s room make-over. Her daughter is doing a dove grey theme with black and hints of soft yellow. She was having a hard time finding accents for her room so she decided what all great crafters do . . . make your own!

Gabriell Pollaco's Gift Box Project

She thought of the Enchanted Collection with its shimmer and sparkle. She covered an old teddy bear box in the Sparkly Enchanted papers and added the yellow color with the Bo Bunny blooms, lace, and Double Dot paper. Finally an extra bit of sparkle was added with strips of Bo Bunny Jewels in a golden yellow color.

So if you are looking to change your home decor and can’t find what you are looking for. Turn to your stash and create something that is exactly what you need.

I hope I’ve inspired you to add those perfect handmade touches to your next project.



Bo Bunny Enchanted Paper     Bo Bunny Romance Paper     Bo Bunny Double Dot Paper


Martha Stewart EK Success Loopy Lace and Border Punch Set


Bo Bunny Forever Fall JewelsBo Bunny Enchanted Layered Chipboard Stickers    Bo Bunny Enchanted Combo Stickers

Natural Earth Dahlia Blossoms Bo Bunny     Bo Bunny Buttercup Lace