Designer Spotlight with Paige Evans: Felicity Wilson


Felicity Wilson makes the most beautiful, layered, and textured projects! She’s truly a well-rounded crafter and dabbles in card making, traditional layouts, mini albums, and Project Life!

Name: Felicity Wilson
Location: Emerald, Queensland, Australia
Instagram: @flisw
YouTube: Felicity Wilson
Facebook: felicity.wilson.167
Pinterest: @felicitywilson

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started crafting: I’m Felicity, a wife and mumma to 3 kiddos. I live on a large farm so if I’m not inside being creative then I am outside being creative in the garden or helping out on the farm. I have always been crafter, right as a little kiddo. I was one those kiddos that would sit and colour in all day, chop up paper and glue it back down!! When my eldest son was born 8 years ago, I started to really get into paper crafts, I dabbled a little bit before his birth, but more so after as I wanted to freeze and document his special moments. Still today, I’m paper crafting and recording my kiddos’ memories 🙂

Favorite thing to create: If I had to choose just one, it would be Project Life. Simply because I’m freezing the moments and recording as much as I can about the kiddos’ lives.

What do you love about this hobby? I love being able to freeze the moment and record it. I know in a few years my grey matter will fail, so by having all the moments and photos recorded, we can all chatter and giggle about the days back then!!

5 fun facts about yourself:
1. I love shoes. I once had 100 pairs in my early teenage years!
2. I can’t stand moths. Give me a snake anyday, just not a moth!! LOL
3. If I can’t be sticking paper and glue down, I will be out in my garden. I love growing and picking pretty flowers.
4. I’m an organised person. I can’t function without a to do list!
5. I went sky diving many years ago to try and overcome my fear of heights. I’m still scared of heights, but don’t regret the sky dive, it was beautiful!

Here is a set of cards Felicity made for her spotlight!

CARDS by Felicity Wilson

I love using up scraps and bits and pieces off my desk. I love to challenge myself by simply creating something from all the bits around me and that’s what I did with these tags. Very satisfying!

MINI ALBUM by Felicity Wilson

I love being able to put a series of photos together in a mini album, just as I did here of my daughter. The photos truly tell the story.

PROJECT LIFE by Felicity Wilson

When creating Project Life pages, I like to try and incorporate new techniques, so here I did a lot of hand stitching, which is something I just love to do.

BUTTERFLY LAYOUT by Felicity Wilson

I find fussy cutting really therapeutic. This is what I have done, is sat and relax with the scissors and butterflies and it’s still one of my favorite pages hanging on my wall 🙂

LOVELY LAYOUT by Felcitiy Wilson

This is also another favorite layout of mine because it incorporates some of my favorite techniques. Hand stitching, mixed media, and fussy cutting!

Thank you so much for visiting today! I hope you are as inspired by Felicity’s creations as I am!

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