Love this adorable winter layout. Typically I like to start an article with giving credit to the original designer of any project that we post, however on this layout I wasn’t able to track down the designer. Upon close inspection of this layout I see that it is a digital layout. I have been in the scrapbooking industry for over 13 years now and I must admit I have never experienced digital scrapbooking. After doing some research for this article, I admit I am rather curious.
The digital kit that was used on this page is called Loco For Cocoa by Just So Scrappy, I highly recommend visiting this site, you will be very happy that you did. What really blew my mind was the price. At the time this article was written, this kit was available for $1.50. No that isn’t a typo, it really is one dollar and fifty cents. The original price was $3.99. This kit includes 282 elements, 35 papers and 2 alphas. There are many other kits available in this line and the prices range from $1.00 to $5.00. My mind is spinning just looking at all the components that are available to you for $1.50.
Here is another layout that I found using the same digital kit. Too cute!
I hope this article has inspired you to check out digital scrapbooking. I don’t think I will ever go 100% digital, however it is certainly something I will be trying in the near future.
Have a wonderful holiday!