Seating at the Crop

We know you love cropping with your friends!  Cropping by yourself is heavenly, but cropping with your friends is magical.  Historically our crop tables have been in pods of four.  And that is fantastic if you have four friends.  But, let’s face it, sometimes you have more than four friends joining you and sometimes you have less than four at any given time.  I think we have found a solution for all of your cropping situations.

We now have tables that seat EIGHT!  Yes, eight!  Nine times out of ten you want to push your tables together so you can hold hands with your friends (just kidding).  It’s so you can be closer to the snacks, right? But we know its really so you can talk with your friends without having to shout across an aisle to them. Yes, that’s it!  But then the Crop Crew usually comes by and destroys your dreams of sitting right next to your friends.  Not because the Crop Crew wants to be party crashers, but because it is usually not allowed to block aisles per the venue rules or because of the fire marshal.  This can put a damper on your whole weekend.  Then you want to give us the stick eye 🙂 and you start shouting at your friends across the aisle because they can no longer hear you.  Well, my friends, we have solved all of your problems.

Now with tables for EIGHT, you can sit together like one big happy family!  What is the best part about this? Because of this we can fit more into the crop area and we can now accommodate reservations for parties in groups of two, four, six, and eight!  That is huge!!  We have never in the past been able to take reservations for anything but parties of four.  But, 2018 is a new year, my friends!

We will still have room to place items under your table, off to the side if needed.  Look at how clear the aisles are!  No need to worry about space in between you and the person next to you.  Bring all of your goodies and don’t worry about the space beside you, it’s all still there!

One thing has not changed in 2018, our body temperatures.  Some of us run extremely hot, while some of us are always cold.  While I cannot offer a personal fan in front of all of you that run hot, or even a bucket of ice, I can offer those of you that run cold a great option for you.  Have you seen our Stamp & Scrapbook Expo sweatshirts?

If you ask any of our staff, we will tell you that they are our favorite.  We love wearing them!  They are so soft on the inside and the colors are perfect.  Pick your favorite color of the two, or you can be like me and get both.  Either way, these are the perfect way to keep the chill away, all while looking very cute!

We are very excited for the 2018 Crop season!  We cannot wait to see you and what projects you are all working on!  We love to walk up and down the crop aisles and see what projects everyone is working one, or what’s the latest thing we have to buy for ourselves on the show floor.  Or to ask how your family is; we remember you all and we love to see you come back year after year.

See you at the Crop!



65 thoughts on “Seating at the Crop

  1. Kris Mylett says:

    I love the sweaters, but never get cold enough for one. I’m so excited about the different table sizes for reservation. Yay!

  2. Sharon Shulsky says:

    EXCELLENT! It is so much fun at the crops! I keep looking for other opportunities in other states when I travel but no luck this year. So looking forward to September in Mesa.

  3. Tammy Coleman says:

    Awesome idea! My friends and I have had the same problem where we are at 2 tables. This is wonderful. Thank you.

  4. Kathy Morris says:

    Yeah!!! Happy cropping family tables now, no matter what size…thank you SSE for showing us the love!! How cool are those sweatshirts ~ cropping coolness that keeps you snug!

  5. Barbmac says:

    Love both of these colors! The heather look of them is quite awesome! I would definitely need both colors! TFS!

  6. Stephanie Rodgers says:

    Great news! My friend and I attend the Expo every year, and the only way we can reserve a table at the crop is to find two people from the Facebook page. It’s nice meeting new friends, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out when you lay out the $$$ for the table. You can’t always count on strangers.

  7. Teresa Joyce says:

    I am so excited for the expanded tables! Now I don’t have to choose which friends to sit with, I can sit with all of them. YEAH!!!!!!!!

  8. Connie Pena says:

    Yay! There are always at least 8 of us and we do ask about pushing tables together so glad we can now do that with out giving the stink eye.Thank you Expo!

  9. Lisa Patrico says:

    Great news that you can reserve for just 2 people! Looking forward to the expo in Massachusetts in September!!?

    • Paula S says:

      Oh I’m definitely getting me one of those sweatshirts. I love making new friends at each expo….maybe it won’t be so difficult this year if I choose a table for 2…. I’ll see how it goes when I put the message out this year. ?????? I can’t wait….❤️?

    • tina keyner says:

      Possibly if you are at a table for 6…. You cannot reserve for 7. If you are a table for 8 then you have the entire space.

  10. Konni Andis says:

    I am one of the run a little hot girls! But I have to have the sweatshirts! They are SO soft! Can’t wait to get them for this year!

  11. Brandi says:

    I love hoodies and these look super nice!! I’ve never been to a crop here before but i’m hoping to go this year!! Yay!!

  12. Deb Wright says:

    Would love to do a crop in Pennsylvania. The Allentown location would be great but the dates just don’t work out for me. Are there any other crops planned in eastern Pennsylvania?

    • tina keyner says:

      We have one in Edison, New Jersey 🙂 And Marlborough MA. Will any of those locations work?

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