Category Archives: Recipes

Saturday’s Inspiration: Beautiful projects and Valentine’s Day creations

Love Love Love

Good morning, my crafty friends! I hope you are enjoying a nice relaxing weekend. Valentine’s Day is approaching rapidly so here are a few love-themed projects I wanted to share with you. Love Love Love by Amy Sheffer What’s not to love about this adorable heart card designed by Amy Sheffer? This is such a […]


Saturday’s Inspiration: Beautiful cards, a wintery day layout, a home décor project, and a special treat

Love You

Welcome to another wonderful Saturday here on the Weekly Scrapper blog. I have some real treasures to share with you today. I hope that these will inspire you to jump out of that chair and get started making some of these adorable projects on this fabulous weekend! Together Card by Aida Haron I want to […]

Saturday’s Inspiration: Valentine’s Day projects, a lovely wedding layout, and a yummy treat!

From The Heart

Good morning crafters, and a very happy Saturday to you all! Today I hope you will enjoy some projects that I found to be inspiring to me and hope they will be to you as well. Cherish by Gabrielle Pollocco Gabrielle Pollocco is one of my most favorite designers for a beautiful, vintage look. She has […]

Saturday’s Inspiration: Create beautiful cards, home décor, and more!

Happy New Year to all our wonderful friends and crafters! Beginning this new year, my wish for you is to find wonderful inspiration from our Weekly Scrapper posts. I’m excited to be sharing Saturdays with you! If you are like me, after the holidays I’m ready to start working on a non-Christmas project. With Valentines […]

Tangerine Mini Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream & Candied Kumquats

Some desserts are almost too pretty to eat (notice how I said “almost!). Just the description alone was enough to make my mouth water, Tangerine Mini Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream & Candied Kumquats. See what I mean? These cupcakes are absolutely gorgeous and the best part is that they are as yummy as they look. Look how beautiful […]

Cherry Limeade Cupcakes

How could anyone resist these yummy Cherry Limeade Cupcakes? Such a fun and timeless flavor combination! These cute cupcakes can be used for many occasions from a summer picnic to a whimsical Christmas party. Can’t you just see these yummy cupcakes brightening up your Christmas table? This is one of those recipes you will want […]

Black Forest Cake

Are you a cake lover? This is one of those cakes that will certainly make your mouth water! My father came to the United States from Germany when he was a young man and I have such a love for my heritage. When I found out this cake originated from Germany (called Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte) I […]