Tag Archives: Lili of the Valley Stamps

My Wish List

There are many opportunities to let your imagination run wild in making cards. This is one of those beautiful cards that will inspire your next creation. There are so many fine details on this gorgeous card, yet they all come together so perfectly. This darling card was created by Fleur Pearson; be sure to visit […]


Create a stunning card for a special friend

Grab your favorite image, markers, die cuts, and get ready to have some fun!  This very darling card will get you in the mood to start creating.  I love the perfectly placed embellishments on this sweet card.  I would like to say a big thank you to Gretha Bakker, who is a fabulous design team […]

Life Is A Journey

 There are so many adorable girl stamps out there, and Lili of the Valley released a new line of boy stamps in May.  It is so fun to see more masculine images for boys coming out.  This little guy is just the cutest don’t you think?  I just love the Tim Holtz gears and metals […]