Homemade Sweater Stockings

With Christmas approaching, I thought these adorable Homemade Sweater Stockings would be a perfect post to gently guide us into the holiday spirit. There is no better time to get our craft on and let our inner artist out to play than during the holidays. Whether you are making gifts for special people in your lives or creating some fun and festive decorations, you’re going to love today’s inspiration piece. I must admit I discovered this project three years ago on Kelly’s blog The Complete Guide To Imperfect Homemaking, and I believe a classic project like this is worth sharing.

Christmas Stockings Made From Sweaters

What I love most about this project is that not only are they so adorable but if you use a recycled sweater, you have a stocking that is free to make. I can’t tell you how many sweaters at my house have gone into the washer and dryer a size large and came out an extra small! Wouldn’t those be perfect for making small stockings to wrap a special gift?

Start out by laying your sweater inside out on the table.


No need to purchase a pattern; just use a stocking that you already have and trace it onto your sweater. You can also free hand a stocking shape.



When you’re working with a stretchy or woven material it has a tendency to shift while sewing. Make sure to machine stitch on the lines before cutting so that the sweater won’t unravel, then cut around the stitches.


The best part – now you can turn your stocking right side out.


You can use sweaters that have sentimental value but can’t be worn anymore, or maybe a cute sweater you found on one of your thrift store adventures. Let the search begin! I hope you have fun finding the perfect sweater and making your own one-of-a-kind stockings.

Happy Holidays to all!