Tag Archives: newsprint

Newsprint Flower Card

White embossing powder over color make this card easy to make – and adorable too!   Paper Hugs By Lisa Spangler Stamp, emboss and color a large flower as the focal point of your card. Instructions: Stamp and emboss the Newspaper Flower on Snow Layering Paper with white embossing powder, twice. Color flowers by blending […]


10 Ways to Use: Newsprint

Newsprint and book pages are really very versatile elements to work with.  Here are lots of ideas showing different ways to use newsprint and/or book pages.   1. As a background:     Photo from:  http://paperiesweetness.blogspot.com/2012/09/vintage-cafe.html   Photo from:  http://mylittleshoebox.typepad.com/my-little-shoebox/2012/09/vintage-shop-joy.html      2.  As an embellishment Photo from:  http://want2scrap.blogspot.com/2012/04/enjoy.html   Photo from:  http://heroarts.com/blogs/club/2012/07/11/put-a-bird-on-it/     […]