Yearly Archives: 2013


Give Thanks Card

The layout on this card is what attracted me to this card. Narelle Farrugia is the designer of this card created with products from Stampin’ Up. I enjoy the colors and layers on this design.  And the bow is beautiful. Thank you Narelle, for sharing your design with us!  

Vintage Calendar Page

   Are you a Graphic 45 lover?   I know I am!  I just love to create with their paper and embellishments.  I love the wonderful accents and vintage look that it gives my layouts.  Today I have for you a calendar page created by Arlene Cuevas. Arlene used Graphic 45’s line “A Place In Time.”   I […]

Cappuccino Mousse with Coffee Caviar

  This is one of those desserts that are dressed to impress. To see more of Heather Baird’s Tantalizing Treats and to see a complete set of instructions you can visit her blog, Sprinkle Bakes. Gelatin “Caviar” 101 Choosing a liquid: These little pearls are made to impart big flavor!  Ideal liquids are strongly flavored such as balsamic vinegar, strongly […]

Keep Fighting

  Hello Friends, I discovered this beautiful card on The Verve Stamps Blog. When this card posted, the theme was Sending Some Sunshine. The challenge was to make an uplifting & cheerful card and actually send it to someone! I share designer Laurie Schmidlin’s, love of all that is vintage, so the warm color scheme combined with the encouraging sentiment was […]

Oh How I Love You Scrapbook Layout

  I would like to thank Karola Witczak for her wonderful talent that she has shared with us.  She has many amazing creations.  Be sure and see her beautiful designs on The Color Room website. This definitely is one of those scrapbook pages that immediately captures your eye.  The color scheme of this layout is beautiful, […]