Category Archives: Stamping

Sundays With Lorraine

Hello, my crafty friends and welcome back to Weekly Scrapper!  I’m so excited to have the opportunity to begin a fresh new year with all of you.  Not only do we have our creative time on Weekly Scrapper but I also have the opportunity to craft with you live at Stamp & Scrapbook Expo where I host the […]


Saturdays With LeAnn

Valentines Day Sign

Hello my friends, and happy Saturday to you!  Since it is Saturday, inspiration is coming your way for the weekend.  I get so excited to share new ideas with you each Saturday. I hope you are in your comfys and ready to sit back and enjoy some fun projects that I believe will give you tons […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Hello my crafty friends, and welcome back to Weekly Scrapper!  I still can’t believe that another year has come and gone. I must say that I am very excited about having the opportunity to inspire you through both Weekly Scrapper as well as in the Creativity Center at Stamp & Scrapbook Expo. The beginning of the new […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of my wonderful friends and crafters!  I hope today you will be inspired to begin a new project and find wonderful inspiration from our Weekly Scrapper posts.  I love sharing Saturdays with you, and hope these projects will take you out of your comfort zone to try new things.  Remember – […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Happy Winter Friend

I want to be the first to wish all of you a very Happy New Year!  As 2016 comes to an end, I want to say thank you for supporting us on Weekly Scrapper.  It has been such a blessing for me to have you become friends and follow me on Saturdays.  I appreciate your […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Warm Wishes

I am excited to share a few more fun projects today.  With our crazy, busy schedules these past couple of months in preparing for the holidays, I hope you will find some time to be creative, and enjoy the rest of this special time of year!  You so deserve it! Christmas Wishes by Kylie Kingham The […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Welcome back to Weekly Scrapper! I am honored to have the opportunity to share today’s fun projects and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed gathering them to share. New Years Eve DIY Decoration With New Year’s Eve, Christmas, and Chanukah all approaching at warp speed, every minute counts so I […]