Category Archives: Card Making

Card Making Inspired by a Scrapbook Layout

Well, hello and happy Tuesday! Let me start out by asking you a question… As a card maker, where do you tend to find or seek out inspiration? Other cards? Techniques you’ve seen that you want to try? Sketches? Originally, I was a scrapbooker before I became a card maker, so scrapbook layouts always tend […]


Sundays With Lorraine

Hello, my crafty friends and welcome back to the Weekly Scrapper! It makes me smile knowing that you found a bit of time to get crafty. One of my goals for this year is to make sure that I take the time to do more of what makes me happy. Since art is proven to […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Love You

Welcome back to Weekly Scrapper!  It always makes me so happy to know that you have found some time for yourself to craft. Crafting is so therapeutic and real stress reliever. I know here at Weekly Scrapper you will find many projects to inspire you, along with taking your mind of those stressful things in […]

Watercolor Pencils: A Video Tutorial

Happy Tuesday card makers! Today I have a fun video tutorial to share with you… a handmade greeting card created with watercolor pencils and the Bold Blossoms Watercolor Sheets and Bold Blossoms stamps by Papertrey Ink. I hope you enjoy seeing the process, and please leave a comment if you have any questions! These cards […]

Watercolor Coloring Book Card

Hey, everyone! Roree here with another Make It! Monday project. Today I am sharing a card I created around a super hot trend I am seeing everywhere, adult coloring books. I have to admit, I have been eyeing adult coloring books for some time now. I used to love coloring as a kid. But I really hadn’t […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Welcome back to Weekly Scrapper! I am happy to see that you were able to devote a small piece of your busy schedule to allow your creative side to flourish. It’s import to your well-being to make time to do things that make you happy. If you’re like me, it makes your heart sing to create beautiful […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

I Love You

Hi everyone, and happy Saturday to you!  Since it is Saturday, that means more inspiration for your weekend! I always get so excited to share new ideas with you. Get comfy and enjoy some fun projects that I believe will give you a ton of inspiration. Baby It’s Cold Outside By Susie Bentz This is […]