Category Archives: Recipes

Saturdays With LeAnn

Dogwood Flower

Welcome back, my crafty friends! I hope you are having a great weekend so far. The weather here in Utah is so beautiful; spring is definitely in the air. I just love this time of year when the flowers are starting to bloom and the grass and trees are turning green. I hope your weather is […]


Sundays With Lorraine

Hello my artsy friends, I hope all is well in your world and that you’re enjoying some nice spring weather. I just returned from our Anaheim California show where a fun time was had by all. After three days of scrapping, stamping, and card making I’m ready to get my craft on! There was so much […]

Saturdays With LeAnn


Welcome back this beautiful Saturday morning! The weather here in Utah has been so lovely. With a new season comes more sunshine, and lots of pretty flowers. This is a time to shake off the winter and tackle some new projects. Just around the corner is Easter, so I hope to bring you some Easter […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Hello, my artsy friends, I hope all is well and that you’re enjoying a nice, relaxing weekend. I have some fun projects to share with you, so sit back and soak up the inspiration! Happy Birthday Designed By Michelle Lupton Do you seem to collect Tim Holtz Distress Inks? I love each and every color that is […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Welcome back to another wonderful weekend! I hope this Saturday brings some time just for you to relax. I have been asked quite often if my job is fun. I definitely have to say YES, YES, YES! I have the privilege of seeing many beautiful projects and bringing them to you. My hope is that this […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Wonderful Things

Hi everyone, and happy Saturday! Since it’s Saturday, that means more inspiration for your weekend! I attended our Scrapbook Expo show in Orlando last weekend and met many of our readers. I came away full of inspiration from so many of you lovely ladies and your creativity that I couldn’t wait to get home to […]

Sundays with Lorraine

Sending Happy Thoughts

Hello my crafty friends! I just returned home last weekend from a wonderful show in beautiful Pleasanton, California. A fun time was had by all. We really got our craft on in the Creativity Center. I love meeting and teaching scrapbookers; there are some of the best people on earth! This weekend I am happily […]