Category Archives: Recipes

Sundays With Lorraine

Welcome to Weekly Scrapper! I’m happy you’ve been able to find some time for yourself to enjoy being creative. Sundays are special to me because this is the time that I have to share my passion for crafting with you when I’m not teaching at a Scrapbook Expo. So sit back, relax, and enjoy today’s inspiration. Seasons Greetings Now […]


Saturdays With LeAnn

Let It Snow

Happy Saturday, everyone!  Welcome to our new Weekly Scrapper followers as well as old friends. Once again we are at the end of another month, and before we know it we will be into 2016.  It is so hard to believe we are already going into December; where has this year gone?  I do love […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Welcome to Weekly Scrapper! I’m happy you’ve been able to find some time for yourself to enjoy being creative. Sundays are special to me because this is the time that I have to share my passion for crafting with you when I’m not teaching at a Scrapbook Expo. So sit back, relax, and enjoy today’s inspiration! Read Together designed […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Christmas Is In The Air

Welcome back to Weekly Scrapper, my friends!  I hope you are having a great weekend so far and taking some time to relax.  It is time again to enjoy today’s inspirational projects that I am very excited to share with you. Take some of the holiday pressure off by spending a bit of time for yourself! […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Welcome to Weekly Scrapper! I’m happy you’ve been able to find some time for yourself to enjoy being creative. Sundays are special to me because this is the time that I get to share my passion for crafting with you when I’m not teaching at a Scrapbook Expo. So sit back, relax, and enjoy today’s inspiration. Goofball designed by […]

Saturdays With LeAnn


Welcome back, my friends, on this cool fall day. The weather where I live has become very chilly. On days like today I really enjoy staying in and working on some crafting. My hope is that you will be inspired with today’s projects and begin to create some of your very own. Never hesitate to try something […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Welcome to Weekly Scrapper! It makes me smile knowing that you’ve found some time to get crafty. It’s been said that creating art is very therapeutic, a proven stress reliever, so sit back, relax, and enjoy today’s inspiration. The secret to success is to just have fun with your art and to create like no one’s watching. 😉 You’ll […]