Category Archives: Recipes

Saturdays With LeAnn

Sending Hugs

Welcome back on this beautiful Saturday! Do you need some inspiration to get your crafty mind going? I have some beautiful spring projects in store for you today. I hope you will enjoy these unique ideas and be filled with inspiration. Spring created by Lisa Nazario-Gregory Spring is such a beautiful time of the year. We […]


Saturdays With LeAnn


Hope you had a fabulous week! Here is to another week of fun projects for you to enjoy! I hope this weekend you will find time to create and be uplifted by your wonderful creations. You’re An Everyday Hero created by Susan Smit “Everyday Hero” has such an amazing and touching story. I am sure everyone has […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Good day my artsy friends, I hope you’re ready to soak in some inspiration and get those creative juices flowing! Discover Layout designed by Mona Pendleton Let’s start out with a gorgeous layout designed by the very talented Mona Pendleton. I will confess that I’m new to using stamps on my scrapbook layouts. But I am here […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Happy Spring

Happy Saturday, my friends!  As we create we all know that our projects will benefit future generations to come. The joy of creating something artistic is a reward we receive, and what a reward it is! In the spirit of being creative, I am excited to share some beautiful ideas to maximize your fun. May […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Hello there, my artsy friends and thanks for stopping by today! I hope you just came out of a wonderful week and are ready to enjoy a carefree and creative weekend. And I hope you moms are having a fabulous Mother’s Day! Here’s one of my favorite quotes about being a mom: This Is So You by Missy Whidden This […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Wonderful Mother

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you lovely ladies! I hope this weekend you get to sit back and relax and enjoy your weekend doing the things you love to do. I appreciate you being with me this Saturday and hope you will find a punch of inspiration for your weekend! Cherish created by Di […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Hello my artsy friends, I’m happy to see that you’ve found some quality time to relax and get those creative juices flowing, I have some really cute projects to share today so sit back and enjoy. I just returned home from a wonderful Scrapbook Expo in Milwaukee and boy, are those ladies on fire. A great […]