Category Archives: Saturdays With LeAnn

Saturdays With LeAnn

Welcome Little One

Well, another week has flown by and I do hope you have all had a wonderful week.  It is so fun this time of year to start planning some spring and summer projects, so sit back, relax, and enjoy.  It is time to show you some fun projects that will bring a lot of creative […]


Saturdays With LeAnn

Oh Happy Day

Hello, my friends!  Welcome back to another inspirational day here on Weekly Scrapper.  I have been collecting some really fun projects to share with you today.  I hope you can find some time this weekend to create some of your own.  Thank you for sharing a part of your Saturday with me, and enjoy the […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Happy Easter

Happy spring, everyone!  And happy April Fool’s Day!  Another fabulous weekend is here and I hope you are enjoying warmer spring weather.  I thank each and everyone of you for sharing part of your day with me.  I have some wonderful inspirational projects to share from some very talented designers.  I hope you take the […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Love You So Much

Welcome back this beautiful spring day.  I hope you have had a fabulous week! I have collected another batch of lovely projects for your crafting inspiration, and hope you will find plenty of time this weekend to enjoy being creative! Life Is Lovely By Gail Lindner Scrapbook pages are always such a great reminder of […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Vellum Overlay Cards

Do you have spring fever?  I know I sure do!  After the winter most of us had, I am sure you are ready for some beautiful spring-themed projects.  With spring on it’s way, it is also a reminder that Easter is just around the corner.  When I think about spring or Easter, pretty pastel colors […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Love You

Hello, my friends!  Welcome to another inspirational day here at Weekly Scrapper.  I just returned home from our first fabulous Stamp & Scrapbook Expo show of the year.  I love going to the shows and having you come by and say hello to me.  It is so fun to see you and to receive a […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Thank You For Your Kindess

It’s a brand new week of inspiration here at Weekly Scrapper!  We always have wonderful and talented designers that come up with the most awesome and fun ideas to share with you.  You will be inspired today by a scrapbook layout, a watercolor card, a fabulous DIY project with photos onto wood, and last but […]