Category Archives: Recipes

Saturdays With LeAnn


A huge welcome to everyone – new followers as well as old friends.  So here we are at the start of another month! It is hard to believe we are already in November. I love this time of year when I can reflect back through the past months and recognize how blessed I am.  I am very […]


Saturdays With LeAnn

Rare Oddities Tri-Fold Brag Book

Happy Halloween, my dear friends!  Pumpkins, ghosts, skeletons, treats, rich colors, and great memories are wonderful things about October! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, so I am always sad to see it be over. Since today is Halloween, I thought it would be fun to share a few festive projects with you. I […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

To The Moon And Back

I am thrilled to be with you today; thank you for stopping by! The last few weeks I have been traveling with Scrapbook Expo and teaching a variety of workshops. I want to share my love of crafting with you today, as I have some wonderful projects to showcase. My hope is that these will serve […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Welcome to Weekly Scrapper! I’m happy you’ve been able to find some time for yourself to enjoy being creative. Sundays are special to me because this is the time that I have to share my passion for crafting with you when I’m not teaching at a Scrapbook Expo. So sit back, relax, and enjoy today’s inspiration. You Light Up […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Pillow Tuck & Candle Mat

Today I feel very blessed to have this time to share my love of crafting, along with some new projects and tips that I have learned while traveling. I hope you enjoy today’s projects and their inspiration. Sit back and relax and take it all in! Dream Big By Lisa Nazario-Gregory I have been teaching […]

Sundays With Lorraine

Welcome to Weekly Scrapper! It makes me smile knowing that you’ve found some “ME” time to get your craft on. Sundays are special to me because this is the time that I get to share my passion for crafting with you when we’re not at a Scrapbook Expo. So sit back, relax, and enjoy today’s inspiration. So Rad Frame […]

Saturdays With LeAnn

Ghouls Night

Don’t you love fall?  It’s such a beautiful time of year, and I hope you are enjoying every minute of it! Sit back, relax, grab a warm drink, and enjoy some of today’s fun inspirational projects. I am so excited to see fall come our way and glad you joined me today! Once Upon An Eerie […]